When I was pregnant I read an article about sustainable living. It made a lot of sense to me that the writer decided to live their life in such a way that they didn't rely on Earth's natural resources. Basically sustainable living is "going green." Everywhere you go these days you hear about going green. What does it mean? Does it meant to dye your hair green? (a resounding no in case you were wondering)
The phrase "going green" may mean different things to people. To myself, going green means to live my life in such a way that I reduce the artificial things in my life and I try to provide a cleaner,safer future for the generations that will come after me. I look at my daughter and I see all the reasons in the world there are to go green. I don't want her to be exposed to things society may deem safe now, but in 20 years be found to be the cause of cancer. I want to preserve what is left of this planet for her, her children and her children's children.
Is our family the greenest family in the world? Absolutely not. We still do some things that are incredibly not green. I drive a mini-van that gets 20 mpg. We leave the TV on overnight sometimes and I have been known to drink out of a Styrofoam cup or two.
This blog is about our efforts as a family to live a more green lifestyle and to save some money in the process. Going green isn't always easy, but there is no reason you should go broke trying to do it.
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